Coaching Services


Health Coach Offerings:

My 12 Week "Thyroid Love and Healing Program" is especially developed for heart centered, high achieving women who are lost in the thyroid diagnosis struggle and looking to take control of the myriad of symptoms such as weight gain or loss, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog.

My signature D>A>R>T< system utilizes the mind/body balancing wisdom of Ayurveda to help ease or eliminate the symptoms, reclaim your thyroid health, and become an empowered advocate in your health journey.

This program is designed to develop your health intuition by becoming aware of your mind-body connection and how to Eat to live, Move in power and Think to thrive that will not only support your thyroid, but balance your entire body for optimal living.

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Dietary Cleanses

The "14 Day Reset Cleanse" is a very gentle, safe, hypoallergenic elimination diet that almost everyone can do with ease. This gentle, yet effective cleanse is designed to support the liver's detoxification pathways and to improve intestinal health so that the body can clear out excess toxins and operate at its highest potential.
Learn how to eat Healthier with me!
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Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle 

Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Course is The Chopra Center's 5 step exploration of mind-body medicine and Ayurveda. This 5 week program includes: Lesson 1 Intro to Ayurveda- learn of your unique body-mind Dosha or constitution, Lesson 2 Ayurvedic Nutrition- select the most nourishing foods for your Dosha, Lesson 3 Emotional Freedom-learn how it is the key to your physical, mental and emotional health, Lesson 4  Inner Pharmacy- learn how to balance your Dosha using the 5 senses, and Lesson 5 The Ayurvedic Daily Routine-putting it all together with your daily routine of balancing practices as well as seasonal routines, detoxification, and restful sleep. 

Connect with Me

Do you have questions? Send me an email.